Seller fee update coming in July:
Fees adjusted to reward low-cost shipping - To pay the lowest fees, consider ways to lower your shipping costs and upgrade to a Premium Store.
Dear Accountsname:
We know that online buyers pay attention to the total cost of an item - including shipping - when deciding what and where to buy. That's why, to encourage low-cost shipping, starting July 6 Final Value Fee rates for Store sellers - Fixed Price and Auction-style - will be reduced and then applied to the total amount of the sale - including shipping.
The best way to minimize the impact on your overall fees is to take advantage of the available ways to reduce your shipping costs and charges. Based on your recent selling activity, you can also lower your overall fees by upgrading to a Premium Store.
With a Premium Store, you can list in Fixed Price for just 5¢ plus get the same discounted Insertion Fees for Auction-style.
5% PowerSeller discount retired aim now to be an eBay Top-rated seller to earn 20% off
Also, starting with your June invoice, the 5% Final Value Fee discount for PowerSellers who are not eBay Top-rated sellers will be retired (all other PowerSeller benefits will continue). So be sure to check your Seller Dashboard for up-to-date information on your rating and what you can do to achieve eBay Top-rated seller status and earn a 20% discount as soon as possible.
New eBay Shopping Cart
Online shoppers are accustomed to adding items to a shopping cart - and they're often motivated to buy more. That's why we're introducing the new eBay Shopping Cart that works with both Fixed Price and Auction-style items. Buyers can add items from multiple sellers and pay in one easy checkout - making it easier and more likely for them to buy more. It will become the way to shop on eBay before the 2011 holiday season.
New communications hub
Starting in May, you'll be able to manage your communications with buyers from just one location within My eBay. View the emails that eBay sends to buyers after a transaction, manage your buyer-facing Automated Answers, or access your Store newsletters - all from one convenient page.