Amazon dementiert das Umsatz Zahlen Leak

Amazon mistakenly names the German marketplace GMV

If the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing, this can lead to interesting data leaks. In the current case, Amazon wants to inspire its Sellers to do business in America. To do this, they send an e-mail to sellers who have registered for the Early Reviewer Program in the US. In this mail Amazon gives numbers from which the German Marketplace turnover (GMV) can easily be calculated. All you need is another number from the last >Letter to shareholder< by Jeff Bezos.

German Sellers do: € 8.57 billion

On the German marketplace, all Merchants generate gross sales of 11.42 billion US dollars or 10.20 billion euros. This corresponds to a net turnover of 8.57 billion euros before returns and cancellations.

(Source: Amazon mail)

And the calculation is so simple

In the mail sent to the sellers Amazon writes the following:

Reasons for expansion in the USA (reduced view) is Amazon’s world’s largest marketplace: 50% of Amazon’s revenue is generated on & is larger than all European marketplaces put together

-> Customer reach increases enormously (opening up new customer groups), which potentially means more turnover generates 7 times as much revenue as, with only half as many merchants

-> Very large potential

(Source: Mail from Amazon to the seller)



50% of the turnover is generated via = 80 billion US$; the turnover on is 7 times as high as the turnover on = 11.42 billion US$. Done!

With these figures as a basis, further previously unknown data can be derived!

The translation was done with a translating tool | Update in German Language

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Über Mark Steier

Mark Steier war von 2001 bis 2012 aktiver und größter eBay Händler in Deutschland und wurde mehrfach mit dem Platin-Powerseller-Award ausgezeichnet. Er hat mit eBay zusammen etliche heutige Funktionen für eBay Motors entwickelt. Ende 2012 zog sich Mark Steier aus dem aktiven eBay Geschäft zurück und lebt nun als Privatier in der Südwestpfalz. Seit 2015 betreibt und betreut Mark Zudem ist er regelmäßig auf Veranstaltungen anzutreffen, wo er rund ums das Thema Onlinehandel spricht. Aktuelle Informationen und Austausch mit anderen Onlinehändlern findest du in der Wortfilter-Gruppe bei Facebook.

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